May 14, 2010

Feeling Poetic.... Art, Life, Death ;]

I am a lover of art. For most, what is considered art is the beautiful but for me everything is beautiful & therefore everything must be art. I take my time & use all five senses to fully indulge myself in this Earth in order to attain the complete experience. With every lift of my leg I ponder what goes on within my body & how everything correlates on the outside as well. Its funny to think that the world shifted just because of one measly action of lifting a leg & how that very second of my doing will never come back to change course. The event will soon be history & can either lead to something fortunate, catastrophic, but a definite guarantee to a domino effect of who knows what.

So take your time & bask in all the goodness around you. Nobody knows where they'll be 10 years or five years from now. If this is debatable let me ask you...does a plant know when it will be taken away from the ground? Does it know that parts of its structure, its fibers, would later be laying on a highway a discarded Starbucks coffee cup? Does it know another part would be inside a septic tank, its pulp consumed and now "waste"? Does it know? What is known for sure is that throughout its lifetime there are bits of itself spread to where it has been/ gone through. Whether it be one surviving seedling that escaped a shortened destiny or if it be that a bee carried on a part of the plant to pollinate another, let it be known that we are not supposed to know in our life as well. We are not here to plan out every detail & what age we want to get married. While we are still alive & well, lets focus on accomplishing not just for self- benefiting but also contributing. So that when our time is up, we are comforted knowing we spent our time well :]

see- vee

P.S. The inserted picture is a drawing my house plant called a Money Tree done with graphite pencil.

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