Jan 31, 2011

My Better Paintings: Leg study & sneakers

Isn't it strange how I do some of my best paintings within a short span of time? Oh yeah, also when I'm uncomfotable?

I'd like to point out that the shoes are deformed because of my bunions :( Hate 'em. Anyway, I love this sneakers painting & I'm thinking its because of the kind of canvas paper. This paper is so coarse, your hands hurt with every stroke. I need to find me more of this...

:: see- vee

Native American Bust

It's been awhile...sorry for all you people who actually look through my site. My laptop has been down & I've been working a lot trying to raise enough money for school but I still try to draw/ sketch/ paint whenever I can. I noticed if I take a little break from painting, my painting suffers. You should have seen me Dec '10, I was on a roll. I was painting EVERY DAY to have an impressive collection of work to show my professor & i think you can see I was beginning to get comfortable through my works. Unfortunately once the holidays started, I havent had enough time to practice but I'm starting to get back on the grind. (Its the last day on Jan *sigh*).

Below are 2 paintings of the same Native American bust.

To be honest, I don't like these. They're too elementary. I want my paintings to look like Vincent Fantauzzo's (Twitter @vfantauzzo) or any artist who can make their work seem realistic. But then again, I work with real life (with the subject right in front of me) & Fantauzzo works from photographs. Maybe I should start working with photographs? But say I do, I feel like there will be an essence missing....

Don't forget to follow me on twitter: @seeveearts :)

:: see- vee